Friday, April 25, 2008

a change of pace

I haven't worked out for three weeks now. I took that first week off because my elbow felt funny. Then I just couldn't get back into the gym. There are a few reasons: since we moved I started taking the bus, which takes a long time to get anywhere, so I had to wake up earlier, thus I lost my work out time; also, it's the end of the semester and I've had lots of work to do. I plan on starting up again next Monday.

It's strange to think that my protein shake jar and blender have taken a break, too. And my workout towel and journal.

I'm sure my new weight and photos will show little improevment, if any, from last month. But after my last post I started putting peanut butter in my smoothies and pecans in my pancakes. I like the change.

Also, I bought chocolate flavored protein powder. I was getting bored with the vanilla, even though broseph warned me that the chocolate was nasty. When I bought it from Walmart I was carrying it around and a guy pushing a cart and following his wife stopped me.

"Where'd you get that?" he said.
"Pharmacy area," I said.
"Yeah, I need some of that. What kind you got?"
"Yeah, that's right. The chocolate's the best."

When I get back in the gym I'm going to vary my weights and reps and maybe exercises, too.

Oh, and I bought a sleeveless shirt for the summer. I like the look of my arms, except that they're white as ghosts.

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